Sunday, October 6, 2013

"You're It!"

So, I'm old fashioned. I think the guy should do the pursuing, but I'm also a woman of the 21st century where there seems to be a limited stock of the "marrying type." So before they go on back order, a girl has got to put her bid in, right? Wrong! Wrong? I'm still trying to figure out how all of this works. My faith is supposed to be in God, and I just need to be patient... There is no lack in His kingdom and what He has for me is for me. Please and Thank You! 

Nevertheless, there is still something to be figured out in the male- female hetero cycle. Who really makes the first move? I've always thought the male is supposed to make the first move (but "Pirannah-girls" are infamous for hunting a man down in a hot second). Nevertheless, I was enlightened by my Pastor, whom I have had an opportunity to observe both in ministry and his home life. He is an awesome man of God, one whom I look up to and respect.  Go figure, he shared with the congregation in a sermon that females indirectly make the first move- subtle hints related to disposition, eye contact, or presentation either encourage or discourage the male counterpart to approach. This makes me wonder what signals I'm sending out and why aren't the "right" ones picking them up? So I bounced some things off of a male friend. ::Side Bar: Every girl should have a man in their life who can give then valuable insight to how the opposite sex views things.::

Now he and I don't agree on everything but he understands my value system and what I am waiting for. He actually thinks girls should be more aggressive. I, on the other hand, think girls are a little too aggressive these days and men are actually becoming a bit lazy in relationships because girls don't require them to put any effort forth. Yes, they have a lot of options, but it doesn't mean we have to lower our standards or do all the "work" for them. I believe a guy will pursue who and what he really 

wants (regardless of timidity, status, language barriers, etc). What we have been known to do as women, lately, is tell them what they want, and what they want -or at least could want one day-is us. And most of them go along with it until they discover for themselves what they truly want. But what do I know?

Even still, I have reworked some things in my head and I find myself being more proactive in my subtle/indirect first moves. Could it be like a game if TAG?

Imagine a little girl wanting to start a game of tag. She goes up to the little boy, slaps his arm, and says, "Tag, Your It-Now Chase Me." The little boy says, okay because he appreciates the challenge. They run and run but the girl eludes him until she is tired, and no longer desires to outrun him. She surrenders-"Okay you caught me." He realizes, "Hey, I won..." What did he win? A "good thing"-a 

wife! But he didn't get to the chase, and the ensuing win until the girl told him its okay to chase me. 

She didn't say, "Here I am- TAKE ME!"

But she wasn't hidden behind some brick wall or sitting upon some unreachable pedestal. She was near enough to touch but distant enough to pursue. I get the sense that a man feels more accomplished and more invested in a romantic relationship because he had to work for it; therefore, he is more inclined to work to maintain it. The woman in that situation feels valued and desired because he pursued her. In thinking of it this way, I am putting on my sneaks to be a little more active or should I say proactive in this game of Tag. I guess all I would need to know Lord is... 

Who's it? 

1 comment:

  1. I really have nothing to add. Just wanted to let you know that I'm following. Looking forward to see how the game of TAG unfolds.
