Thursday, August 15, 2013

Making the Band...

Have you ever been to a parade?
Me , personally...I can live without the crowds.New York is all about space invasion and I don't mean galaxy's , I mean MY space.
I digress....parades are LOUD and amazing and every single entity plays a part.The instruments play their part.The trumpet,the drums,the horns,the cymbals...oh Lord the Cymbals.Everyone has their note and if not played properly the whole band is out of wack, and instead of a sound of ONE , there's just NOISE.No fluidity,no purpose,just one note trying to find it's way back in line. Ok so before the parade,there was practice,before practice there was an audition,before the audition, there was a single soul with an instrument .
Let's talk about the band...

I was laying on my aunts couch in Virginia, having a "moment" .Yea you know ....the times you only bring up in mixed girl company after a couple of people have shared their WAY WORSE "struggles" with the "H" word.Yea I was horny and guess what?My boyfriend wasn't far.DANGER!
And what halts an "H" moment? Scripture.
Like ok God..."thy word have I hidden in my heart so that I might not sin against you"(Psalm 119: 11)'s REAL!My stinkin' heart had scripture in it. Lol seriously.His word rose up in me.
I lay there and I heard " not offer the members of your body as instruments of wickedness" (Rom 6:13 ).
Like plain as day,I heard Him.
Was I still horny?Yes.Was there a big cloud that came around me and whisked me away from it ?No.
All I could think of was "making the band".
Ever saw that show?Well it was a short lived few season show of a bunch of random people with great talent that had to come together and had to function as one.Differences ,struggles,likes dislikes and all.The purpose through tests,trials and differences and all else ,a band.A successful unit.

No one logically chooses a broken instrument; a bent trombone or some ranky drum with a hole in it to lead the band,nor some screechy voice chick with no rhythm.
Why?It wont make the right sound.It's whole being and purpose was to make a distinct sound when played,when chosen.
I and my body parts,are one instrument. Every time I have decided to go out side of the singular reason God created this body and use it for something else. I made the wrong sound.
I was off beat.
I was instantly convicted.Was I having sex ?No, but so what?!
I heard God ,and we ALWAYS have a choice.Ever wonder why God doesn't handicap your God given hormones  before your married?The things you go through are a test and you are tried with the purpose of being made into what He desires.It's purpose is not to ruin or cause the female version of blue balls ,but the fruits of the spirit.
What sound will you make?What sounds are you making?What does it echo into the ears of God?
I don't know if you can identify, but at that moment in time I was reminded that my body wasn't my own.
Will I ever be horny again?Duh!
Just to throw a wrench out there sometimes the perfectly fine looking instruments make weird sounds too.You could look just like that fig tree Jesus ran up on and then cursed because it had no fruit.It looked the part but had no fruit.I'd like to say it was pretending.

Ah!It will cost you !Please remember the decision you make will cost you something.


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