Friday, April 4, 2014

Bank on it

When  thinking of the word "account" ,for some , two things may come to mind; a bank or a record.
When I began to think about the two combined I thought about the heart.
I have to give an account .What's in my account? What's in your account? What is accounted for?
Have you ever recalled these things in reference to relationships? 
I have a bank account,actually a few ,each one holds funds that I have earned over time or have saved over time . No matter what ,those accounts represent things I have deposited into them . No one else can access my accounts unless they have the authority to do so.
If and when I need something and it's not there I have to then think about what I did with what I put in there.Accounts erect responsibility,whether you're ready for it or not.
I remember waiting and feeling like everyone one who came past me during that time had some significance.Each time I gave this person my time, they deposited something in me.Whether it was memories of fun , lust, emotional things , the list is long and not all bad.Some relationships taught me maturity,how to vocalize wants and needs,boundaries ,and most of all LOVE.When I say relationships I don't mean all romantic,(anyone can tell you that I am the ,"you are a friend" advocate).Every relationship you have with the opposite sex should not be EMOTIONAL or SEXUAL.Though some may beg to differ,we cannot walk through life allowing people we meet along the way to deposit things into us,because we "don't know where it's going".I do not even give every friend access to my bank account or pin number.I mean really?How much more important is my heart and soul?

Our  hearts and minds act as a bank sometimes, what you put in it will for the most part be what is withdrawn .Sometimes WITH interest.Oh we love interest, it's like a nice surprise when you've been good and responsible,but it's NOT if you've been negligent or ignorant.
How you spend is a direct representation of who you are ,and so is your heart
Hence the fact that the bible states , ".....out of the abundance of the heart , the mouth speaks "- Matthew 12:23 NASB  and , "Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.."- Proverbs 4:23 NASB

I had to sit and ponder this for real.Who has access to my heart?What is being withdrawn or deposited?

Time is precious,it's what we have and don't have all at once.I was home thinking about the responsibility of guarding the heart.You must create boundaries, it's not about coming off strong and all" I love Jesus he's my husband first back up!"
It's about the time we spend ,and with whom we spend it.Women we are so smart.Most times ....without being judgmental , ok TOO judgmental, (God's still working on me) I could tell a lot about the opposite sex from the first few conversations we had ok the like the FIRST.I am mission minded.Some gripes could purely be personal taste, ie. grammar, you know ...if he writes LiK3 tHiS ,all of the time then its "bye boo" or if he even dresses a certain way.Ladies we have our stuff.Our particulars.
I say all of this to say that being intentional about our hearts is so important.Sometimes we don't give much thought about our heart until it's broken, that's not the time to be attentive.My favorite question is How?

I have a few things that I specifically asked God for in order to make sure I didn't get in my own way.
 A simple profound prayer I learned: "Lord keep me when I don't want to be kept".
Now it's not a magic potion, this means that you are not going to pretend to be superwoman in every circumstance.You're human ,with a libido.He's a man .Alone in a room with attraction, things can happen.Be very real and attentive.Tell God your fears and concerns.He is more in love with you than anyone else could ever be.
"Daddy, I need your help....!"
2-DO NOT BARE ALL ..right away
You can tell a person about you,your likes and dislikes.Apples or oranges,whatever ,but I've noticed that the MORE we divulge the MORE responsibility we place on  that relationship.I can't tell a person on the first date,or first meeting I want a 3 kids and a house.Words have weight and power.There's an expectation.Now be honest of course,but be intentional about the matters of your heart.Divulging too soon can cause damage.
If you do not,do yourself  and  the other person a favor and don't do it.Our 20's-30's are a pivotal state in life.It's where we have entered and left college,in search of self,knee deep in careers or are desperately searching .If you've figured out your purpose and career ,and are balanced ,kudos to you,but a heavy bulk of us are feeling like we are stuck in the twilight zone.It's the early -life crisis.A time where you want to find the real you before you "grow up", you feel like adult hood mad rushed you after 25.I digress.
KNOW who you are,so many times we ignorantly look for definition of self in the eyes of others.It's insanity because we know it never works,but in that moment it's JUST what the doctor ordered. I'm not saying,you need to have it 100% together in order to have great relationships ,but if you KNOW you and have self identity issues.Repeat step 1,be honest with God.Knowing who you are and WHO'S you are ,are the most vital.

How we perceive ourselves a lot of times is a direct reflection of how we will develop relationships.I realized that without God,in the center.The wheel in the middle of the wheel.I cannot make it.I don't have time to waste and, my heart , YOUR heart is precious.

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