Friday, March 15, 2013

"Dip Me, Please!"

Who doesn't look forward to the big finish of a dance? Whether you watch "America's Best Dance Crew" or "So You Think You Can Dance," you wait to see how the routines will follow through from beginning to end. If the performers end by falling flat on their face, the judges will often times brutally share their criticism. On the flip side, a strong ending could save a somewhat flat performance. Despite the outcome we enjoy watching the movement and anticipate the ending. As kids, we pretend to be fabulous ballroom dancers. Tango music comes on and we steal one of mom's tulips, stick it in our mouth considering it a suitable substitute for a rose. We then, grab a partner and begin to dance. We may have never taken one formal class, but we've seen enough old movies, television shows to know what a Tango looks like. And then the music prepares to end. Time for the big finish! "Dip me, please!"

After moving to the same ol' song and dance of life, many of us are waiting for the big finish--especially when it comes to relationships. Romantic relationships. Boy meet girl. Hand on shoulder, one on waist. Boy asks girl out. One, two. two three. Girl and Boy enjoy each other's company. Spin and turn. Boy and Girl disagree. Come together and separate. Boy and Girl break up. They change partners and begin the dance again. A few moves may be added for flair, but the basic choreography is the same. We will dance and switch partners until the right one can close the dance at the end of the song with the "big finish." 

I imagine the frustration and exhaustion when you find--partner after partner--that the "big finish" has eluded you once more. Now you don't even want to run through the routine. Boy meets girl--I know how this goes...You'll ask me to dinner, we hang out and get to know each other, but let's cut to the chase. Either you think I can be the one or not. If you aren't sure and don't think you can be sure, keep it moving! OR, if a guy shows you the list bit of interest you agonize over whether he really likes you and where it could possibly go. Either way, we are no longer keeping time with the music. We are trying to rush through the dance to see if we will finally be dipped. The fact still remains that no matter how fast or slow we dance, when the music comes to it's final chord the big dip will either happen or it won't. You still have to wait for the dip in the end because it does not look as good in the middle of a song. Have you ever heard of a premature dip? Can you imagine how awkward that would be? Where do you go from there? The dip comes at the end of a song allowing you to begin a new one. And if the right partner dips you, he will be there ready to move step by step with you through the next song. 

So I suggest to you, my reader, to wait on the right partner. One whose arms will hold you tight enough to keep you close, but loose enough to let you move. One who will know the steps and won't trip you up. And one who knows the right time and the right way to dip you!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Something Borrowed....

I borrowed you and didn't even know it
You're on loan and I only found that out when I realized the abuse
I took you for granted,thought I wined and dined you. Gave you what you wanted
Everyone else was bent on no,so  I found ways anytime I wanted to give you Yes
I looked at you with my eyes and was satisfied, 
what people said rolled off as smooth as the butter in the grits for your morning breakfast
Or like the whippedcream on your espresso
Words, I ate those , even the ones that were hard to swallow
oh ....those actually became easier to eat after time passed and almost as sweet when you do the math
More sweet can mask the sour 
BUT like a book that's borrowed beyond the appointed time becomes worn and weak, it no longer looks like the item you borrowed,,my gift are beginning to look like that once treasured toy 3days after Christmas, beaten 2nd rate and out of mind
You are me....
Every entity .....the soul
I have windows for eyes, i behold everything,where are the shades when you need em?!
and Hands heavy as lead w/ a scarlet stain that started with the cross, thank God for the sanitizer that is called redemption
Got memories for me hear YOU not the replay
Got a shredder for a mouth, God....what a mighty tool.
Got will made of a stockyard's hard to move....
Restore my soul...
I borrowed ME and I want to return me to YOU richer than that man with the buried treasure.
Open me and be pleased Lord.Pleased with me.
I am not my own ....Lord Help me to take care of me.